The Custody of a Child in a Divorce
Divorce is a lifelong stress-giving process in the life of most individuals. It is the termination of a marriage by court judgment by awarding a judicial decree declaring that the marriage is to be dissolved. Then, both spouses are free to marry again. Each divorce is different and unique in its own way. The prospect of divorce may be taking the decision for divorce after undergoing lots of negative situations and tensions in their marital life. Hence, the prospect initiates a wide range of emotions and can be traumatic. If children are there in the relationship, divorce would affect their psychological aspects and their overall health. Children are often prone to show traces of anger, abandonment, denial, depression, etc. along with other behaviors. They are the most traumatized among everyone involved in a divorce. The custody of children is the most important part of the divorce as the future of the child or children would depend on the verdict of the court on their cust...