The car wreck situation is a very scary experience. The causes of a car wreck can be due to a high level of traffic, drunk driving, speeding, distractions, or bad weather. It can also happen not because of our own fault. In any of such scary and stressful situations, certain steps and precautions need to be taken to avoid confusion later and not to get wrongly caught under the law. All the family members should be made aware of the steps to be taken that they, in case of an emergency situation during an accident, should act immediately on the following points. In addition to spreading awareness, you can take a print out of this information and keep it handy as a checklist in your car. Steps to be taken starts from stopping the car as soon as you sense a car wreck, to keep everyone safe as much as possible for you are the primary requirement. A wreck situation creates panic. Hence, try to console yourself first, to come out of this panic attack, then check for your injuries, and make s...