Risky driving is one of the main reasons for a car wreck. You could claim compensation if the car wreck happened due to no fault of yours and due to the risk of a driver driving another vehicle. Alcohol or drug consumption, distractions from driving, over speeding, drowsiness, etc are the main factors influencing risky driving. An awareness about risky driving and compensation claims will help you take the right steps immediately if you ever happen to be a victim of a car wreck. Here, you will be reading about the three forms of risky driving including drunk driving, drug-impaired driving, and distracted driving. Drunk Driving Driving under the high influence of alcohol is known as drunk driving. Alcohol consumption affects the quick functioning of the brain, right thinking, and reasoning capability of a person and impedes muscle coordination. So how to measure the amount of alcohol in a body? Blood alcohol concentration, or BAC, is the measurement of the quantum of the alc...